분류 전체보기(2810)
Bora Negative - Ion Sports Ring By using korean natural nephrite and germanium, Borasports.com has developed the "Bora Negative - Ion Sports Ring" Which emits healthful negative ions far infrared rays. This product was not released to the public until repeated functional tests to search optimum emitting values for the highest level of healthy supporting negative ions among various minerals. The..
2006.04.03 -
2006 매경 골프전시회
3월 30일부터 4월2일까지 코엑스에서 골프전시회가 있었습니다. 아침에 한가할때 몇장 찍었는데......
2006.04.03 -
Bora Negative - Ion Sports Ring (Bracelet) By using korean natural nephrite and germanium, Borasports.com has developed the "Bora Negative - Ion Sports Ring" Which emits healthful negative ions far infrared rays. This product was not released to the public until repeated functional tests to search optimum emitting values for the highest level of healthy supporting negative ions among various mi..
2006.03.28 -
2006.03.28 -
녹차 베개...
겉은 가느다란 대나무로 되어있고 속에는 녹차 잎이 들어있습니다. 요즘 많이 팔리는 제품이예요. 속은 이렇게 생겼는데 녹차잎을 천속에 넣어서 만들어서 가루가 밖으로 나오지 않게 했습니다. 외관 포장은 1차로 손잡이가 달린 비닐 커버에 넣어서 2차로 박스 포장을 합니다. 판매대에 진열은 간단히..
2006.03.28 -
시지점에 추가된 상품
먼지제로라는 제품으로 롤로된 먼지제거 테이프보다 사용하기가 간편하고 가격도 저렴합니다. 쓰고나서 한장씩 떼어내서 버리는건 같은 원리인데 칠판 지우개같이 생겼고 뚜껑이 있어서 깔끔하게 보입니다.45M에 10,000원하는 제품, 장수로는 300장 싱싱푸르미라고 하는데 새싹 재배기 예요. 배양판이 ..
2006.03.28 -
Bora Negative - Ion Sports Ring By using korean natural nephrite and germanium, Borasports.com has developed the "Bora Negative - Ion Sports Ring" Which emits healthful negative ions far infrared rays. This product was not released to the public until repeated functional tests to search optimum emitting values for the highest level of healthy supporting negative ions among various minerals. The..
2006.03.24 -
Bora Negative - Ion Sports Ring (Bracelet) By using korean natural nephrite and germanium, Borasports.com has developed the "Bora Negative - Ion Sports Ring" Which emits healthful negative ions far infrared rays. This product was not released to the public until repeated functional tests to search optimum emitting values for the highest level of healthy supporting negative ions among various mi..
2006.03.24 -
Bora Negative - Ion Sports Ring (Bracelet) By using korean natural nephrite and germanium, Borasports.com has developed the "Bora Negative - Ion Sports Ring" Which emits healthful negative ions far infrared rays. This product was not released to the public until repeated functional tests to search optimum emitting values for the highest level of healthy supporting negative ions among various mi..
2006.03.24 -
Bora Negative - Ion Sports Ring (Bracelet) By using korean natural nephrite and germanium, Borasports.com has developed the "Bora Negative - Ion Sports Ring" Which emits healthful negative ions far infrared rays. This product was not released to the public until repeated functional tests to search optimum emitting values for the highest level of healthy supporting negative ions among various mi..
2006.03.22 -
lg telecom
Bora Negative - Ion Sports Ring (Bracelet) By using korean natural nephrite and germanium, Borasports.com has developed the "Bora Negative - Ion Sports Ring" Which emits healthful negative ions far infrared rays. This product was not released to the public until repeated functional tests to search optimum emitting values for the highest level of healthy supporting negative ions among various mi..
2006.03.22 -
Bora Negative - Ion Sports Ring (Bracelet) By using korean natural nephrite and germanium, Borasports.com has developed the "Bora Negative - Ion Sports Ring" Which emits healthful negative ions far infrared rays. This product was not released to the public until repeated functional tests to search optimum emitting values for the highest level of healthy supporting negative ions among various mi..
2006.03.22 -
Bora Negative - Ion Sports Ring By using korean natural nephrite and germanium, Borasports.com has developed the "Bora Negative - Ion Sports Ring" Which emits healthful negative ions far infrared rays. This product was not released to the public until repeated functional tests to search optimum emitting values for the highest level of healthy supporting negative ions among various minerals. The..
2006.03.21 -
Bora Negative - Ion Sports Ring (Bracelet) By using korean natural nephrite and germanium, Borasports.com has developed the "Bora Negative - Ion Sports Ring" Which emits healthful negative ions far infrared rays. This product was not released to the public until repeated functional tests to search optimum emitting values for the highest level of healthy supporting negative ions among various mi..
2006.03.10 -
Bora Negative - Ion Sports Ring (Bracelet) By using korean natural nephrite and germanium, Borasports.com has developed the "Bora Negative - Ion Sports Ring" Which emits healthful negative ions far infrared rays. This product was not released to the public until repeated functional tests to search optimum emitting values for the highest level of healthy supporting negative ions among various mi..
2006.03.10 -
대구 월마트 시지점에서는....
대구에 가면 대구에서 경산으로 가는길에 월마트 시지점이 있습니다. 요즘엔 여기서 특판을 하고 있고 인천에는 가끔 회사 업무처리 하려고 다녀갑니다. 입구에 들어오면 이런 것이 보입니다. 이렇게 진열장을 기역자로 꺽어서 진열을 해 봤습니다. 옆면은 이렇게 보이지요.
2006.03.09 -
인천점에서 사용한 설명서..
2006.02.23 -
전갈과 기타문양
전갈은 조각하는데 시간이 많이 걸립니다. 전갈과 나비를 커플로.. 용을 형상화 시킨건데 알아보시는분이 반정도....
2006.02.23 -
나비들이 예쁘네요.
쉬고있는 나비 날아다니는 나비 나비 커플
2006.02.23 -
커플들이 원하는 제품들
100일 기념으로 이런것도 원하시고 100일 기념 커플은 이렇게 구성을 해 봤습니다. 이런 제품도 괜찮더라구요. dp만 다시해서... 생일은 이렇게 구매해 가시고.. 요즘이 졸업시즌이라서 이런것도 원하시더군요^^